Monday, June 11, 2007

It's storming why not go for a run?

So I've never been up to Sabino canyon and decided to go. I drove over to Bear canyon trailhead and ran out to sabino canyon road to the seven falls trail. Not sure how far I ran. I was jamming along and bam rattlesnake... I leapt sideways and my momentum carried me parrellel with it, it struck while I was in the air. Then bam it went up into the hillside. That was scary. So I ran for a while longer and turned around as it was getting dark. I got all the way to sabino canyon road and then got turned around in the last 1/2mile trying to find the trailhead. It took me about 20 min and both my hand held light and my head lamp to figure my self out of that mini mess. Im excited to head back up there when I have a bit more time.

1 comment:

onepinkfuzzy said...

mmm, love sabino!!! almost went over last night. rattlesnake - cool!