Monday, September 8, 2008


ok so the lAST 4 DAYS i'VE BEEN MOVING ALL p's stuff to the new house!!!!She has alot of stuff. I snuk a run in on sunday.

MNt. Wrightson....I was an hour late to meet ttr but ended up catching up to a few- 1:55 ascent on old baldy. 340ish total, descended super trail.
Saw Pinkcorker!!!Hi- bye- gotta run :) Met a bunch of the ttr folks and took a nasty digger on the super trail. Dug a chunk out of my knee...blood all over...I'll live:)


Pinkcorker (Renee) said...

Ouch! Hope you heal quick! So great to see you; made me happy when I saw you! Sorry I couldn't wait for you-I had taken a ride with 2 others up there and wasn't able to hang around. Great job on your time. You were hauling when I saw you.
Congrats on you and p moving in together. How cool. Congrats on the house, too!

onepinkfuzzy said...

yay for mt wrightson! the first few runs this year are on weekends I have my son, bummer.