Sunday, April 27, 2008

simply put-My first 50

Z.G.-done-15hours 57 minutes!
Well I finished despite some major issues in the middle of the race...i.e. sick dehydration etc....But from what I said from the beginning I WILL FINISH.
Oh and to add I wasnt last :)

A bit of drama I'm sure the R.D. will seriously regret....We left the fish hatchery aid station informed we had 3 hours to run 11 miles!!! The web site states 7pm cut at see canyon ALL the officials stated we had til 7pm. Well about a mile outside the last aid still with 25 minutes to go (I busted my ass in addition to getting lost for 15minutes)
P comes running up the trail"don't get mad but they changed the cutoff"
"What they cant do that there is still @ least 12 people ready to go who will just barely make the cut! What the hell......Upon arriving at the aid station at 645p.m. I was calm and collected...Reinformed of the same thing by the officials.
Apparently the R.D. changed his mind MID-RACE and made the cut 6:30...the website and meeting stated otherwise.
I refueled and contemplated. I didnt curse or cry..
Well a fella named Al turned toward me and said "hey Troy catch up to me in a few minutes I'm finishing.
So thats what we did :)
I looked straight @ the official with the clip board still standing at the check out and said" #65 checking out...he wrote it down and on I went.
Well 6 others decided to go too:)
Were we official?were'nt we?
Back on the trail-7pm
Well I had a talk with the others before we caught up to Al.
Basically every one was stressed out and up set.
So I stated simply this is my first 50 mile race and I will finish. I love running thats why I'm here. Not for the shirt or chair. We all no in our hearts we made the real cutoff we were given so fuck em.
Well I set a perfect pace and we caught Al.... After a while I took lead again.
I wanted to finish under 16 hours.

I paced us out perfect...(7 miles in just under 2 hours) the 4 that ran with me finished in 15hrs 57 minutes.
Guess what.... the finish was still set up and they took our times and numbers and gave us our finishers shirt and chair.

Al and I geared back up and went back down the trail after the other 2 runners that fell behind...People thought we were nuts...."you need to run more?"

"no those are our friends and no one gets left behind"
"Al lets go"
After a little over 5minutes heading down Al and I found our last 2 buds. They lead us back in and we gave em support.

We were back of the packers....I think we were the winners.

According to P and few others who were our support crew the R.d. made an appearance @ the finnish and took off right when the cheers went up "I see lights I see lights" The dude took off so as not to face us!!!
Thanks to our support crews insistance the finish line stayed up.
I think I made some new friends and they took down ALL our #'s and times.:)

Post race reflections-I made some serious errors....
The following are learning mistakes not excuses for such a slow time.
I came out too fast
I became dehydrated.
I didnt stick to an eating schedule.
I let the course and race get into my head-negative thinking.
Too much taper? under training?
NO this is a tough race!
I need to train at 75% the distance I plan on racing.
For a 50 I should train long runs @ 50k not just stacked mileage.
I had a bad time between mile 16 and 33....I felt horrible. I walked ALOT.

P was an amazing crew person she worked on my feet at one point, we changed socks and I rocked the last 16 miles.
I ran better the last 16 then I did the whole race.

The day after----I didnt kill myself, I'm sore but can walk fine.
I will do it again....and again and again.
I found a pacer for Javalina:)......Oh yeah thats right my first 100:)


onepinkfuzzy said...

WOO HOO!!!!!!! I'm so glad you finished and they gave you your chair & shirt.

I think the RD also didn't mark the first 17 miles, causing ALL but the last 5 50kers to go off course. BIG mistake!!!

Pinkcorker (Renee) said...

Super job Troy! Was looking to meet you, but it didn't happen...
I did the 50k and finished, too! (first ultra!)
So many people got lost - I was pretty lucky that I didn't, but it sure caused a lot of heartache for a lot of people.
I haven't done my race report yet, but hope to in the next few days.
I'll probably join up for some TTR runs in the fall and meet you then.