Saturday, August 11, 2007


ok ok ok o8/10/07-Friday got off work @10pm took a bit to get ready and going but managed to run 6miles @ Reid.

Ok it's friday so Sets

Block super sets no stopping-

5 pullups
25 pushups
50 crunches
25 pushups
50 crunches
5 pullups
25 pushups
50 crunches
5 pullups
25 pushups
50 crunches

10 minute break

10 pullups
50 pushups
25 deadhang leg lifts
50bicycle crunches
200 crunches

10 minute break

max sets



pushups-91- yea


crunches-350 or 360 not sure! Im noticing growth! Max set increase overall and my run was fast-ish.

Mental Blather-

Been thinking about swimming again.
Swimming is love/ hate for me.
I have issues with it.
I havent swam seriously in a little over 6 years. I swam competitively for like 10 years and find it difficult to even go in the water and just soak or swim for pleasure, it's really weird. I dont hate anything but have a weird, strange loathing for swimming now. It's fascinating and kind of sucks at the same time. It's difficult for me to even get in the pool or ocean, lake ,body of water. I know its totally mental I'm just not sure whats up. I've been thinking about hooking up with a club for winter swims( hopefully a heated pool).

I just cant bear the thought of swimming, I really don't want to it's just a thought that keeps popping up in my head.

I've been really honest with myself about the whole swimming thing but just cant figure out how to drag my ass in the water. I know I have issues with it(swimming) but am unsure how to work through them. Sometimes when it's really really hot I can get myself in a pool but it's like once or twice a year. Last year I was able to swim a little.

I used to swim year round much like everything else I do.

I'm not even sure what triggered me stopping other then I was going through an unhealthy time in my life and then bam I developed a weird repulsiveness to the water. Funny...

1 comment:

Amy@RunnersLounge said...

You must have swam like a mad man all these years to be this divided over the topic.

Have you thought about a water sport that isn't swimming - change it up a bit?

It's so hot here that I have spent enough time in the pool this weekend to cover at least 10 people's normal amount of time they should be in the water.
