Monday, September 17, 2007

taper anxiety

monday 9/17/07- Well I officially have 3 more graveyard shifts. Yuck!

So 30 minutes ball yoga and my 3.5+ around the block in-31:24:72-oh this includes time lost waiting for one street crossing. I tried to hold a consistant comfortable tempo and never blow out. This felt good. I may be tapering too much but feel this will yield good results because the week leading up to the marathon I will be doing all sorts of crazy adventuring in tahoe. I'm considering adding another ala carte marathon on wednesday or thursday before the race. I feel good. I MIGHT try and do the Triple marathon 3 days in a row. Maybe Ill just chill out and not try and over do everything I do.

1 comment:

onepinkfuzzy said...

i don't think there can be too much of a taper...